The Arizona Consulting Engineers Association, Inc. was incorporated March 16, 1961. The name was changed April 14, 1965 to: Consulting Engineers Council of Arizona.
Ten Years Developing
On June 9, 1956 seven members signed a petition requesting the granting of a charter to a Consulting Engineers Functional Group within the framework of ASPE. These pioneering members were John Carollo, K. W. Hammes, James E. Hastain, Chas. B. Maguire, Ed Marum, John Stufflebean, and Hanen Williams. The petition was accepted by the ASPE Board. The group was fairly active, particularly in the Tucson area, for several years, but had not been active since 1960. In 1965, James E. Hastain, as Chairman of an ASPE-PEPP Committee, spearheaded an effort to reorganize the Functional Section of Engineers in Private Practice. The initial step in this direction was the preparation of Standing Rules of Operation by a special subcommittee consisting of Art Beard, Walter Biddle, Dwight Busby, and Ed Marum. The subcommittee used as background material the standing Rules of existing PEPP functional sections in Florida, Kansas, Ohio and Texas.
1965 Officers were:
Robert L. Norton, President
B. Dwaine Sergent, Vice-President
Robert B. Lockerby, Secretary
M. M. Lowry, Treasurer
William B. Keller, Director
Charles R. Magadini, Director
John E. Stephens, Director
Robert A. Kesner was the Executive Secretary.
1966-67 Officers:
Robert B. Lockerby, President
Percy E. Coe, Vice President
John Girand, Secretary
James P. Sorensen, Treasurer
Earle V. Miller, National Director
Frank Foltz, Director
John B. Hauskins, Director
Donald F. Rothrock, Director
B. Dwaine Sergent, Director Ex-Officio
First Annual Meeting
The first annual meeting of the Arizona Consulting Engineers was held June 17 in Tucson with Chairman Archie Brown presiding. The April 30th organization meeting minutes were approved.
The Chairman of the Standing Rules Committee reported that with the exception of clarification of Sustaining Firm and a change in depository for section funds from the ASPE Treasurer to the ACE Treasurer, the rules were workable for the time being. A complete review and possible revision would be carried on by the committee for the next six months.
Budget Committee Chairman Hanen Williams submitted a budget for the balance of 1966 in the amount of $2,500.00. The committee then submitted the dues schedule for the balance of 1966.
Vice-Chairman Rod Gomez reported on discussions being held with the City of Phoenix on the fee schedule for Improvement Districts. He indicated discussion would probably be started soon with the City of Tucson on the same subject. A report was made by James Hastain, Chairman of the Committee on Internal Affairs of Consultants, in regard to the recent move and activity of the Operating Engineers International Union to organize survey crews and other employees of Consulting Engineers.
Objectives Outlined
The broad objective of the ACE Functional Section is the advancement of the public welfare and the mutual welfare of engineers in private practice. Specific work objectives of ACE in rendering a service to their membership and to the public are:
Preparing and distributing model contract forms.
Developing and updating fee schedules.
Promoting and cooperating in the development of equitable contracts between engineers and government
Promoting the adopting and upgrading of building codes.
Developing and publicizing minimum standards of engineering practice.
Furnishing information on liability insurance.
Developing a grass roots legislative action program.
Cultivating relations with PEG, PEI and PEE functional sections of ASPE.
Engaging legal talent as required.
Striving to maintain and improve ethical standards of practice.
Association Name Change
In May of 2002 the Bylaws were changed to reflect a new name aligned with the national association: American Council of Engineering Companies of Arizona, referred to as ACEC Arizona.
Consulting Engineers Change Name
On June 9, 1956 seven members signed a petition requesting the granting of a charter to a Consulting Engineers Functional Group within the framework of ASPE. These pioneering members were John Carollo, K. W. Hammes, James E. Hastain, Chas. B. Maguire, Ed Marum, John Stufflebean, and Hanen Williams. The petition was accepted by the ASPE Board. The group was fairly active, particularly in the Tucson area, for several years, but had not been active since 1960. In 1965, James E. Hastain, as Chairman of an ASPE-PEPP Committee, spearheaded an effort to reorganize the Functional Section of Engineers in Private Practice. The initial step in this direction was the preparation of Standing Rules of Operation by a special subcommittee consisting of Art Beard, Walter Biddle, Dwight Busby, and Ed Marum. The subcommittee used as background material the standing Rules of existing PEPP functional sections in Florida, Kansas, Ohio and Texas.
Arizona Consulting Engineers New Functional Section of ASPE
Arizona Professional Engineer magazine, July 1966
An all-day organization meeting of the Arizona Consulting Engineers, a functional section of ASPE, was held in the conference room of the Guaranty Bank Building in Phoenix on April 30, 1966, attended by approximately forty-two principals and engineer employees of consulting firms. Highlights of the meeting included a brief history of PEPP Functional Sections (Professional Engineers in Private Practice) in other states and at the NSPE level, discussion of proposed Standing Rules, appointment of a Nominating Committee and a statement of proposed work objectives of a Functional Section. Mr. Harry E. Bovay, Chairman of NSPE-PEPP and President of Bovay Engineers, Inc. of Houston, Texas, addressed the group at a noon luncheon at the Cloud Club. Mr. Bovay outlined the activities and accomplishments of the NSPE-PEPP Section at the national level and discussed the results of joint meetings with Consulting Engineer Council representatives.
Officers elected to serve until June 30, 1967 were:
Chairman, Archie W. Brown, Phoenix
Vice-Chairmen (2 years), John H. Stufflebean, Tucson; Edmond F. Marum, Tucson
Vice-Chairmen (1 year), Rod J. Gomez, Tucson; Ben T. Dibble, Phoenix
Secretary-Treasurer, James H. Deatherage, Phoenix
Past Chairman, James E. Hastain, Phoenix
The first Executive Secretary for the group was James O. Martin who retired September 6, 1972. The office was located at 3625 N. 16th Street, Phoenix. William A. Sawyer became the Executive Secretary from 1972-77. The duties were shared during a transition period from 1977 to 1979 with William A. Sawyer and Janice L. Burnett who then became the Executive Director.
Merger of Two Organizations
In July 1984 the Consulting Engineers Council of Arizona and the Arizona Consulting Engineers Association merged into one member organization called Arizona Consulting Engineers Association, referred to as ACEA.